Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Sweet Tea

I just wanted  to send out a quick post. I am getting ready to leave, but I wanted to get this out there, for more prayer. 
For anyone who reads this, we would appreciate prayer for our newest little, baby sweet tea. For those who don't know, this is what Aslan has named the baby, and we don't know if it is a boy or girl.
 Anyhow, we knew at our first major ultra sound that the baby only has a 2 vessel umbilical cord, instead of the typical 3 vessel cord. Generally it is 2 arteries and 1 vein, 2 bringing blood to the baby and one taking waste from the baby. This fact alone is not reason for much worry. Many babies are born with a 2 vessel cord perfectly healthy AND the baby's anatomy scan showed nothing to be concerned about. So the plan of attack was to just keep an eye on the babies growth w/ an ultrasound at 30 weeks and 34 weeks. At 31 weeks, a couple of days ago, we had the first of the Ultrasounds to monitor the babies growth.  They were concerned with the small percentages the baby was in (around 5-7%). Because of this, they are concerned that the babies growth is being prohibited by the 2 vessel cord.  So the NEW plan of attack is that we will be seeing a specialist this morning, and I will continue to see the specialist once a week, and the OB once a week for the remainder of my pregnancy. This means I will have 2 appointments a week for the rest of the pregnancy. If, at any time within the testing, they become concerned for the babies well being, they will deliver the baby early.  
So we ask for your prayer on many levels. We know how vague all of these test are and how difficult it is for doctors to know what is going on in the"secret place" Ps 139. We are grateful for the technology that they have, and yet we know that our hope is not found there. Each day has been set out for baby sweet tea's life, and this is part of their life bringing glory to God- ALREADY! Thank you, Jesus. So we are just going to take it appointment to appointment and ask for God's help to hope in him. 
I am reading and praying through Jeremiah 17:5-8 in this season

"Thus says the Lord:
'Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, 
whose heart turns away from the Lord.
He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. 
He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, 
in an uninhabited salt land.
'Blessed is the man who trust in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out it's roots by the stream
and  does not fear when heat comes,
 for it's leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit."

This is a quote on this passage in Jeremiah, from a Commentary I was reading by Matthew Henry
"As the faithless shall not see when good cometh, the believer shall see when heat/ drought comes but not fear or sink under them because the Lord is his secret strength just as the roots spread out by a river draw hidden support."


Heather Mattern said...

Stephanie, I just wanted to let you know that our family will be praying for you and your little one! Lots of love!

The Matterns

Sarah said...

I'm praying.

Jillian said...

You don't know me but I follow a blog that led me to you. I follow the mother of Audrey and got to her through baby Stellan's page. Anyway I was reading your blog and my cousin went through a similar thing with her baby. Although she was diagnosed with intrauterine growth restriction and her baby had to be delivered at 31 weeks. He is doing fine now but he had a lot of difficulties. Now I am 27 weeks pregnant and I experienced some complications, you can go to my blog to read all the details. Anyway I just had an ultrasound today and the baby was measuring a week behind. This is the first time they said anything about her being small. I am very scared and worried, what exactly did the doctors say to you. I am sorry if you think this is strange but I just read your blog and it touched home.