Saturday, May 30, 2009

Daddy's Lil' tough guy

"Daddy's Lil' tough guy"
an appropriate outfit for our tough little man.
Happy Graduation, Daddy. I am proud of you, wish I could be at your party!! 
Meet you at home, say Tuesday-ish. Let my brother's know I'm ready to play!!!!

While you guys party, today, I'm gonna hang out and get another blood transfusion to top me off and get ready to go home. I've got some labs to be run, some eating, some peeing, pooping, the usual. Then Monday, if I can take about 20mL's by mouth at one time, they will take me to do a swallow study to make sure I don't aspirate while I eat. Also on Monday, they're gonna stop giving me this Lovanox shot twice a day and switch me to baby aspirin for my blood clots. Lookin forward to that!  And finally, on Tuesday, they'll take this wretched broviac out of my chest. Soon after, I'll meet you here. You bring the carseat, I'll bring my cute self. 

p.s. I've heard lot's of good things about Mimi's Tahoe. Is there any chance I can get in on that sweet ride? If she's available Tuesday, I'd love it. 


Anonymous said...

Dear Shepherd-
I can't wait until you come home so that I can meet you and tell you how sweet and precious you already are to me. Eat lots and swallow carefully and come home soon!

Jerri-Anne said...

Wow! He is really talking so well! Amazing vocabulary for a 2 month old! Crazy what they teach them at the hospital these days! Can wait for you to come home so I can spoil you rotten!
Love Aunty Jerr

Stephanie said...

i clicked out of your blog and closed my eyes to give utter praise to the Lord for the talk of yall being at this point of being able to come home almost, and pray for the host of unknowns that you speak of (any the countless others unmentioned)...and i just had to click right back on here and leave the verse that God instantly overcame my heart with in regards to your sweet family: Col 1:17 "HE is before all things, and IN HIM ALL things hold together."
oh, girl--the LIVING Word...claiming that verse, and all that it means for yall during this time. Praise Him, girl...your faith is SO pleaseing to Him, sister! and unspeakably encouraging to so many of us.

hate we missed noah's party this weekend...larry told noah that we were at the beach--know it was a blast!

The Smith's said...

Hi there! I can't remember exactly how I found Shepherd's blog, but I have been following your story for a couple of weeks and as you get close to coming home, I wanted to introduce myself and say PRAISE God for the work HE is doing in your family.

My name is Jesse and my son, Luke, was born in January of 2007 with a single ventricle (most closely diagnosed as double inlet left ventricle). He has had two of his three open heart surgeries at Seattle Children's hospital and he is doing fantastic. A happy, healthy, energetic, challenging, funny two year old.

Luke will undergo his Fontan most likely next summer, when he is 3 1/2.

It is awesome to see your faith through your written words and we have seen God be glorified through our son's story as well, as he is through Shepherd's life. God is good!

I will be praying that you get to come home as planned on Tuesday and that God would give you great peace these last few days of hospital life.

God bless, and please know you can contact me if you have any questions or need a listenting ear!


KR said...

Praying for the homecoming!