Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Some Thoughts On Our Use of Time Part2

I have been realizing more and more that my days and moments are the Lord's. Sometimes, as a stay at home mom of little ones, I can think too independently of the Lord in regard to my day. The good thing about being at home with your little ones is you get to plan your day and do certain things that seem important, etc. But this can cripple us in using our time effectively for God and his glory because we can easily plan things that are not the most beneficial for our families or can easily waste time, after all it's "our" day, right? Wrong. I am learning more and more that I will have to give an account for each hour in my day to God, for my life and days are his. The psalmist says "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom...Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!" The word of God tells us it is wisdom and to our eternal good to think upon the fact that are days are limited and time is precious. There are practicial ways I have been challenging myself to use my time better, for example, having a schedule for my day with the boys and allotting only certain amounts of it for free personal use, especially if certain tasks are not accomplished that need to be done in order to better serve my family. But also getting into my mind the concept of how serious and fleeting time is and what is expected of me from the Lord. I really believe the Lord can change our hearts and give us spiritual eyes in regard to this issue and help us be fruitful women who toil in the Lord's strength and don't feel shame for countless misused hours (more than we already do!). I want to be more like Jonathan Edwards who made resolutions to live by, of which one was: "Resolved, never to lose one moment of time; but improve it the most profitable way I possibly can." Let us resolve to do as Edwards did each day and mature in this area of our lives.

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