Tuesday, January 23, 2007

'Tis winter now

’Tis winter now; the fallen snowHas left the heav’ns all coldly clear;Through leafless boughs the sharp winds blow,And all the earth lies dead and drear.
And yet God’s love is not withdrawn;His life within the keen air breathes;His beauty paints the crimson dawn,And clothes the boughs with glittering wreaths.
And though abroad the sharp winds blow,And skies are chill, and frosts are keen,Home closer draws her circle now,And warmer glows her light within.O God! Who giv’st the winter’s coldAs well as summer’s joyous rays,Us warmly in Thy love enfold,And keep us through life’s wintry days. -Samuel Longfellow 1864. I love this! Aren't the hymn writers of old a gift to us now! I have decided that today, as I breathe the biting air, as I am forced to put on layers to protect from the cold...I will let it be an opportunity to worship. "YET God's love is NOT withdrawn; His life within the keen air breathes; His beauty paints the crimson dawn, And clothes the boughs with glittering wreaths."......."Lord dissolve my frozen heart by the beams of love divine; This alone can warmth impart to dissolve a heart like mine; Oh that love how vast it is; vast it seems though known in part; strange indeed if love like this should not melt the frozen heart; The love of Christ passes knowledge; the love of Christ eases fear, the love of christ hits a mans heart and pierces him like a spear." These are great words of encouragement to me today, also from an old Gatsby hymn. Yes,these are great words of promise. As I struggle through the last few weeks of pregnancy, while chasing an active toddler; while getting a ticket for expired tags on our way home from our baby shower..congratulations!! while not sleeping, while trusting God for the perfect timed arrival of our second son, and hoping my mom won't miss it, while working hard to "get it all done" and yet seemingly not getting anything done. May God do a work of grace and make it Spring in my heart. may He warm my heart to His, may I fall deeper in Love with His inexhaustable beauty and find Him more trustworthy, and me more faithful in this season. His gifts are many.

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